

OFFICIAL WEBSITE i mean CARRD yey. does carrds count as websites maybe

since you probably don't know me i'll introduce myself here. i do random videos because why not.hmmm what else... i sadly use twitter and reddit (don't use reddit that often) but you can find me there you weirdoi also use roblox, scratch etc. i can't link my scratch account and that's poop >:(oh and i have a discord server it's right there at the bottom you can't miss itso yeah hi

i go by he/him. they/them is fine if you wanna be more safe than sorry.

so, you wanna give me an ego boost? epiccccccccccok hmm i do know like every country and their capitals um and their flags (not the capitals the countries ok)also i'm good at listening to metal music and as i write this i am listening to [sic] by slipknotwhat else... data visualisations i suppose? yea sure i'm good at making em despite not making one in a while, maybe i should come back to making them but i gotta think of some ideas y'know.oh yeah also video editing i'm not a professional tho so note that